
Monday, 3 November 2014

My presentation of Phases of the moon

This is a presentation that I created collaboratively with a few classmates. It explains the phases of the Moon. When I presented this to Room 5, they said I spoke very clear. Check it out!

Friday, 31 October 2014

Planet Facts

We worked collaboratively to find lots of interesting facts about the planets in our solar system. 

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Efaraima - Migration Presentation

                     This is my Migration Presentation with Jacob A & Piripi,We have learnt about
                                why they moving to another country and they want the attractions.

Efaraima - Punctuation Challenge

                   This is my Punctuation Challenge,I learned how to play and adding Apostrophe.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

My Times Tables on Transum

                       This is my Times Tables on Transum. It's a easier game to me.I know some of the                                                                                times tables.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Efaraima - Historical Recount

            LI: To recount the journey to NZ on the voyaging waka through the eyes of someone who was on the boat.

You have travelled back in time to the day the waka set sail. Your challenge is to retell the what happened on the voyage through the eyes of the Captain, a  passenger, the cook or the Tahuna (navigator).


  • What are your responsibilities?
  • What have you done to prepare for the long voyage?
  • Who is coming with you?

  • Why are you leaving?
  • What will you miss?
  • What fears do you have?
  • What are you looking forward to?
Being a kid meant I didn’t have to look after everyone on the waka or think about how I was going to keep our food fresh. This was a relief because my whole family were all on this boat.  When I heard that we were leaving I really knew that I would miss my friends. My biggest fear was that I didn’t know if we would make it safely to the new land. Those waves seemed to go on for ever.

First paragraph
Begin with a time word
Reflect and recount what happened through your eyes as you set sail. How were you feeling? How were the others on the boat feeling? What could you see? What could you hear?

When I first saw the water I felt seasick because the waves were really big. I think it looked like the others were worried about going on the trip too. I could hear the waves pushing up against the boat all day and all night. That sound was so annoying.

Second paragraph
Begin with a time word
  • Reflect and recount what happened and how you (and the others on board) were feeling after being at sea for a few days. What could you see? What could you hear? What could you smell?
Two days after we left I felt really scared because I saw lightning striking the big waves. The storm made the waves really hungry. They were so big I thought they were going to eat us. My pet pig was became dinner for some of those waves. I felt sad because he was my favourite pet.

Third paragraph
Begin with a time word
  • Describe your role on the boat. How did you learn your skills? Why do the others on the boat depend on you? How does this make you feel?
Everyday I watched the older people steering the boat, following the stars and moving the sails around so they caught the wind. I wanted to help but they said I was too little. This made me feel annoyed because it felt like no one depended on me. One day when there was lots of rain one of the ropes broke loose. I saw this and knew it was up to me to help because I was young and fit. I climbed the mast, it was a long way up but it made me feel good because I got to help my family.

Fourth paragraph
Begin with a time word
  • Reflect and recount what happened when land was spotted. Who saw land first? What signs were there to tell you land was near? How did seeing land make you feel? Why?

When we seen the land we were really happy and excited .we were singing and celebrating at the same time.I was a bit scared because I have no idea where to go and I don’t  have any friends to play with but it will be alright. I will make different family were so happy about  the island.

  • Say how you felt throughout the voyage, what you had learnt and what you would do differently next time.
When we all started to go on the voyage I was a bit scared because I felt that we wouldn't get all the way there safely.

Monday, 18 August 2014

My story of the show of Space Jump - Efaraima

Space Jump

Today On Monday we went to the hall and a show named Space Jump.The characters named Tye and Naomi.The show was a funny show and they talk us about alien searching facts about books and imagination creativity.They read a story about Three Bears It was a bit funny.The show was 2 hours show before Morning Tea.When the show was finished we took a photo with Tye and Naomi and we went back to class.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Efaraima - Facebook Explanation

Why is Facebook is a Problem?

Shockingly, it has been discovered that one and a half billion people log onto Facebook everyday! With so many people using Facebook lots of problems are happening on this social networking site.

Firstly problems start happening when people write negative things about other people. Lots of people see these comments and start thinking the wrong thing. This is because people believe what is written. When rumours start it becomes serious and is called cyber bullying.

Cyber bulling is a huge problem because it affects a lot of people. Cyber bullies post false information which makes victims feel embarrassed and humiliated as other people are commenting on things that aren't true. This means Facebook can be misleading.

Misleading people is another danger of Facebook. You can pretend to be someone else, or you can be tricked by someone who is pretending to be someone else. To make sure you are safe think about who you are adding as a friend on Facebook.

Remember staying safe is one of the biggest problems on Facebook and is the most important thing. Think about what you post, what you read and what you comments on. With one and half billion users everyday things go wrong because on a social networking site everybody can see what you post.

Last Week I worked with Kyra,Pah Nwee,Jacob A & Tui about Facebook Explantion.I learned how to write an explanation.  

Monday, 21 July 2014

Efaraima Holiday Task


Did the main character need a sidekick?  What would you have done if you were this person in the story?  Write a paragraph where you as the sidekick, help out the main character.

Post it onto your blog with a comment that tells you:
- Title Geronimo and the gold medal mystery
- Author Geronimo Stilton
- Type of Book

- How you as the sidekick helped out the main character To solve it.

Efaraima - Holiday Reading Challenge

New Cover

If you could design a new cover for the book what would it look like?  Draw a picture.
Post it onto your blog with the following information.
- Title Geronimo and the gold medal mystery
- Author Geronimo Stilton
- Type of Book
- Why your cover is better My cover is a bit like a Stadium.

Efaraima Holiday Reading Task

Character Portrait

If you particularly like one of the characters in your story, draw a portrait of them.
Post it onto your blog with the following information.
- Title Geronimo and the gold medal mystery
- Author Geronimo Stilton
- Type of Book
- Who the character is and a description of them from the story Geronimo

Efaraima Holiday Reading


If you particularly like one of the settings in your story, draw a picture of it.
Post it onto your blog with the following information.
- Title Geronimo And the gold medal mystery
- Author Geronimo Stilton
- Type of Book

- A line from the book describing the setting

Monday, 30 June 2014

Efaraima-Current Events

This is my Current Events Article about NZ Pride and about this man is a Helicopter Person.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

My Certificate for MathsBuddy

                           This is my Certificate on Maths Buddy.I only won the silver medal.I looked at the
                      Awards and Reports Tab,And I saw the silver tab with the number 1,And I opened It and                                                                       I won the Silver Medal.

Monday, 12 May 2014


                                    This is my Xtramaths that I got.I got some of them wrong
                                                       and I got Quite heaps of them correct.


Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Friday, 28 March 2014

My score on Xtramaths

This is my Xtramaths score.I got 55 questions correct.My Goal was to get all of the questions correct,but i nearly did.All i needed to do was to get 5 more correct to get a perfect score,

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

What is Assessment? by Halatoa, Lani, Joshua, Efaraima, Donatalian, Piripi and Loti

The dictionary says assessment is the action of assessing someone or something. At school teachers use assessments to see what the students know and what they still need to learn. Are you aware that assessments used to be called tests. Things have changed since our ancestors went to school one hundred years ago. If you got lots of answers wrong you had to stand in the corner wearing a dunces cap to show everyone that you were that you got lots wrong in your tests.

At Panmure Bridge School we do assessments that tell us what level we are in Reading, Maths and Writing. We answer questions in Maths and Reading on our netbooks. Sometimes we do tests on paper like the IKAN test which tells us what we need to learn and achieve in Maths. It is easier to use our netbooks so we can delete any mistakes.

We do assessments so the teacher can help us with the questions we don’t know and this helps the teacher plan what we are going to learn. Making a mistake is ok because we can learn from each others mistakes.

Assessments help us learn new things and helps the teachers learn new things as well. Assessments show what level you’re at and what you still need to learn. Our marks let our parents know where they can help us with our learning at home.

Sometimes you do well and sometimes you make mistakes when you do assessments. You should always try your best and be focused on your work. Remember to read the questions carefully so that you answer the questions right.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Efaraima - Mighty Muscles

                                          This is my facts of Mighty Muscles that I worked.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Efaraima - My Xtramaths Results

                          That's not good,I'v got some of them wrong.I'll try get them nexk time.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Current Events


L.I: Find and summarise information about a current event

I have found the who, what, when, where, why, and how
I have used my own words to retell what the article is about

TITLE: New Tool keep kids safe online

WHEN:Thursday February 13 2014

WHO:The Class

WHERE:Tawa School

WHAT:The resource is designed to be used as a classroom teaching tool and explains to children the dangers.

WHY or HOW it happened:A new tool for teaching children how to use technology safely has been set up.  

PICTURE ( Paste into the space below)
What do you think the author wanted you to learn from this article?recall,in depth thinking

List 2 new words you have found in this article, then write their meanings.Privacy Dangers.